woman meditating

Benefits of HypnoFertility®

Hypnosis for Fertility   Lynsi Eastburn has been helping women to get pregnant through the power of the mind for nearly 25 years. She has seen some amazing results and, right from the start, she began receiving some incredible feedback. This inspired her to dedicate her life to developing the leading edge, fertility-specific, hypnosis-based mind-body…


It’s Conceivable! – 5 Reasons Hypnosis Works for Fertility

According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), nearly 10% of women aged 15-44 have had trouble conceiving a child. Whether the problem is getting pregnant or remaining pregnant, pregnancy issues plague women consistently. Dealing with fertility issues can be incredibly isolating. You may be left to feel as though you can’t get pregnant because…


Navigating the Emotional and Psychological Journey of Infertility

Bringing a child into the world is a dream cherished by many, but the path to parenthood isn’t always straightforward. Infertility can be a challenging and emotionally taxing journey. At Eastburn HypnoFertility, we understand the emotional and psychological impact of infertility, and we’re here to help you navigate this complex terrain.   Understanding the Emotional…


The Enigmatic Pink StarLights: Illuminating a New Era of Spiritual Evolution

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration” Nikola Tesla   Introduction:    In the ever-evolving world of spirituality and metaphysics, the emergence of new generations often brings with it fresh insights, energy, and purpose. In this blog post, we explore the fascinating concept of…


Enhancing Fertility with HypnoFertility: Supporting Medically Assisted and Natural Conception

Are you dreaming of expanding your family but facing the challenges of infertility? At Eastburn HypnoFertility, we understand the complexities of your fertility journey and offer a holistic approach to support both medically assisted and natural conception. Our expert, Lynsi Eastburn, the worlds pioneer in Fertility Hypnosis, founded HypnoFertility as a powerful tool to enhance your fertility journey.

girl looking outside car window and pondering

How To Comfort Someone After The Loss Of An Infant

When someone you care about has recently lost an infant, it can feel nearly impossible to know what to say or how to act. Obviously, your heart breaks for them, but that kind of loss creates such deep grief that you might be worried about doing the wrong thing – even if your heart is in the right place. So, what can you do to comfort someone after the loss of an infant? How can you provide support and stability for them when it feels like their world is caving in? 

woman sitting on a bed grasping her legs

Can IVF Be More Effective With The Addition Of Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is becoming a more widely used practice for a variety of conditions. It’s also becoming more popular for women trying to get pregnant, even before going through IVF.  We’ll cover some of the benefits of hypnosis when it comes to both pregnancy and IVF, but it’s important to note that hypnosis itself won’t determine whether your IVF is successful, or if you end up getting pregnant.
